Solving Company Name and Tax ID Errors
Tax ID: please check that your legal tax org name was written exactly and in full, just as it is listed with the IRS. To correct, please click on the Configure Payment Settings button below and edit accordingly. Visit this article for more information
Seeing this error on the Chesed Fund dashboard? This article will help you identify the correct information for your organization and enter it properly in the dashboard.
Double checking your official IRS-issued documentation can help you figure out what the your information is and how to correctly enter it.
It is important that the information you enter for your legal name and tax ID number exactly match the information displayed on your official IRS-issued documentation, such as your SS-4 confirmation letter or your Letter 147C (the record of how your entity is filed with the IRS).
To verify this information with the IRS, the full name must be entered exactly as displayed on these forms, including upper/lower case, symbols, and punctuation placement. When in doubt, enter all information listed above the business address. If there are several lines above the address, enter all details on one line separated by single spaces.
Below are some examples of letters you might get from the IRS, and the method for properly entering their info in your payment settings page.
If your entity name looks like the image below on your SS-4 confirmation letter, you might need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If your entity name looks like this on your SS-4 confirmation letter, you might only need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If your entity name looks like this on your Letter 147C, you might only need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If your entity name looks like this on your Letter 147C, you might need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If you are still having issues getting your account verified, please contact our support team and we will gladly assist you.
Seeing this error on the Chesed Fund dashboard? This article will help you identify the correct information for your organization and enter it properly in the dashboard.
Double checking your official IRS-issued documentation can help you figure out what the your information is and how to correctly enter it.
It is important that the information you enter for your legal name and tax ID number exactly match the information displayed on your official IRS-issued documentation, such as your SS-4 confirmation letter or your Letter 147C (the record of how your entity is filed with the IRS).
To verify this information with the IRS, the full name must be entered exactly as displayed on these forms, including upper/lower case, symbols, and punctuation placement. When in doubt, enter all information listed above the business address. If there are several lines above the address, enter all details on one line separated by single spaces.
Below are some examples of letters you might get from the IRS, and the method for properly entering their info in your payment settings page.
SS-4 confirmation letter examples
If your entity name looks like the image below on your SS-4 confirmation letter, you might need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If your entity name looks like this on your SS-4 confirmation letter, you might only need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

Letter 147C examples
If your entity name looks like this on your Letter 147C, you might only need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If your entity name looks like this on your Letter 147C, you might need to enter the following as your legal entity name:

If you are still having issues getting your account verified, please contact our support team and we will gladly assist you.
Updated on: 02/13/2023
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